Course Date

  • This online masterclass will be held on Friday 11 June 2021 from 9.15am – 12.30pm BST

Course Description

Stance or posture is the immediately perceivable expression of the systemic facilitator’s attitude to self, client, other participants, and what may be possible in the work.

Many people when approaching facilitating a systemic constellation hold a fantasy about our capability and, perhaps as well, a fantasy about how we are perceived by others. These fantasies, which may take the form of over- or under-estimates, can be thought about as the inner and outer surfaces of our Stance in the world. Our stance itself, then, is a membrane between our personal and professional lives; this membrane is both semi-permeable and active. Depending on the relative energetic charges on the inside and the outside, our stance will impart a spin to our thoughts, feelings, and communications. The less the spin accords with reality the greater the disturbance it causes, for ourself or others. Becoming more proficient in the systemic work needs to include coming to terms with our stories about ourselves so our stance matches more and more closely who we actually are. As that difference minimises, we increase our ability during the client work to notice nuance and create accurate hypotheses and structures to resolve our client’s issue. The initial point at which the phenomenon described above arises is meeting and interviewing the client. This portion of the work will receive particular attention.

This masterclass will comprise a short teaching, an exercise followed by discussion, and a demonstration piece of work by Richard with discussion of that. Thus, there will be a number of potential learning categories.

In teaching this work over many years, I have often observed that students tend not to allow themselves the opportunity to get to grips with what they have been told and what they have observed. An important way to facilitate that personal ‘grip-getting’ is through asking questions. I encourage that for this session. Note that the personal involvement that students bring to systemic work is not with the emotional content but with the intellectual and felt-sense content of what they observe or take part in.


Course Details

Course Price


Course Venue

Online Via Zoom