The Centre for Systemic Constellations

Exploring Addictive and Compulsive Behaviours – London

Course Date

  • This workshop will be held from 9.30 am-5.30 pm on Friday 21 March 2025.

Course Description

Addictive and Compulsive Behaviours are each, in their own way, an attempt to manage and cope with complex social and familial dynamics, seen and unseen.  We all live in the shadow of our family’s history, which is itself shaped by the wider community and international events and tragedies of the last few generations.

The consequences of these addictive behaviours are often harmful in our relationships, families and communities. Our capacity to maintain loving stable relationships and live creative, joyful lives is signicantly reduced when our primary life energy is caught in addiction and compulsion.

Systemic Constellations can help us understand how our symptoms and symptoms in our families are often engangled with inter-generational trauma. Finding our right relationship to the deeper systemic entangements can support movement away from symptoms towards healtha and well-being

Course Details

Course Price

Early bird £145 -before 21 February 2025

Full Price £160  

Course Venue

The Skylight Centre
49 Corsica Street

N5 1JT